A new day, a new hope – beyond our reach, even in November

oops – did I say it was … ah fuck it. If I post this it will be miraculous, let’s just admit it.
but I would like to publish. I like to ramble-write – it’s good for my mind. I just don’t know if that’s enough for this spot in time/space, known as a blog on the internet. Weeeee – uncertainty is AWESOME!
these times – they’re just wow. is it inevitable that things will be contentious? why the strife? why the struggle? what’s up with that?
also what the hell can I do to make money/live a better life? let me know, alright?

and so I listen to keXp, have chats with my boy doctor about how life is at times an endless loop, soak in the truth that I am not alone, and that music heals. I read about the shitshow that is the nature of humans, and I ponder the future events of my life. How are you?
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//10:08a+4Dec20 = Friday morn || If We Make It Through December by Phoebe Bridgers – says it all, eh? thanks good soul John, good ship keXp//
oops – did I say it was Saturday? In November? ah, nope.
it’s a day. in December now. but who knows, how can you tell? it’s all a bit of a blur. but here we are, once more, eh?
we seem to be heading towards a change in leadership – but the damage is done, the civil war is going on – the fight for the soul of our country and I have no idea where I should be, what I should do, who I need to be. kinda fucked up – but, in my defense – the country isn’t where I thought/hoped it would be. both odd, and then again – utterly predictable. So how do we bring the wealthy to the table?
“A guitar changes a hitchhiker from a psychopath into Bob Dylan.” – oh dear Sarah, how right you are. “People can change a lot in 30 years.” – er, well, perhaps yes.
//1:21p+3Dec20 = Thursday || Stevie Wonder on keXp from Cheryl’s Midday Show – “Don’t You Worry ’bout a Thing” – seems like good advice…//
and here we are – not on the 3rd or 4th of November, as I started this draft (see below for original early Nov content) but at the end. Certain arcs have finished (are finishing) others are beginning and the worst that has been done to our country is that neither of these truths allow a feeling of confidence or certainty – just a dread unease at what the fuck will happen in one year, in two, in four years as we reel from the assault.
//12:35p+28Nov20= Saturday afternoon || random low note booms and bonks – is it the kiddo? dumpsters being emptied three blocks away? who knows!//
how’s that for kismet – ‘don’t give up’ covered as I brought up good sir Stephen and Jon discussing the past, eh? very kinda cool…

oh what a day, what a … well hate to say grind but alas – no idea what I’m trying to get done. just – here… pinging a little. perhaps mucho Vitamin X tomorrow, eh?
“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.” ~ ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
the morning show is killing it today too – woot! yay me!!
//3:47p – “Don’t Shoot Guns Down” by SAULT from Greg Vandy from 10/21 – The Roadhouse – on keXp//
a shower is a lovely thing – the first super crisp/cold day of fall? perhaps not as much. I listened to good souls John and Hank and have to note – similarly to the kindnesses that good soul John and all aboard the ship keXp –
//7:37a+2Nov20 = Monday morn || some jazz on keXp, the kiddo plays in the middle room – up for the last … er – 2 hours? ’cause he’s on the old time, yay everything! – well butter my biscuits – “Don’t Give Up” cover by John Hollenbeck, from Songs You Like A Lot (female is … Kate McGarry · voice)//