‘… because that’s what we do – reach, fix, soothe’ ~ mark nepo, oddly in January

hi again. guess this is happening – how’s that make ya feel?
we started putting colored dots on the calendar for days where, I for example, did the walkies thing with Hali. And the ‘why yes, I’ll make my fingertips hurt. a lot!’ thing with the guitar. Boo’s got this thing she does with words : -)

I mean having a place to refer to once the days have passed – it’s been something I’ve been a fan of for some time. the stickers though – so simple, yet so rewarding. I’d say odd, but one thing I’ve learned in my short life is wow are humans odd.
Had what I’m sure is an incorrect conceptual thoughts on how during the Vietnam War we sent our 19 year old boys off to a meat grinder; all the while being told it was important, worthy of such sacrifice. Years later it all seemed a bit pointless, and though I do not know if it’s true there was a rumor of a Dole plantation in need of protection?? A point I could draw from that presumptive truths is boy howdy we’re at that place again – some Americans believe the words of the professional liars and a different side demanded change in the name of peace and justice.
Live, fight, love, forget, rinse & repeat.
So I guess the true question is – ‘Jane – how do I get off the crazy thing????’
//12:05p – the entirety of The Morning Show of good soul John’s at keXp – a worthy capture if ever there was one!//
//10:23p – “Cherish the Day” by Sade, on Gabriel’s Early show on keXp, from Tues Jan 12th, as I peruse pictures from Jan 19th, 2017…//
walked the pup in the dark, listening to tunes, the crescent moon hovering above, a smile perhaps at my good efforts. thanks. I endeavor to make the changes that need to be made.

I have hope. Hope that one day we’ll gather with friends, colleagues, kind souls from all paths of life – and together become a community that for a brief moment in time enjoys the artistry, the skills, the joy-filled gift that the stage has always offered.
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//08:28a + 19Jan21 = Tuesday, the loser’s last day at the White House || dj Miss Ashley spins “the last chord” from Gorillaz feat. Leee John//
♥️♥️♥️ And tomorrow, we shall begin again
Thanks for the vid- such a treat! See you on the flip side, blood… I am here