… it takes time; be yourself; music rules, oddly in April

//08:00a + 29 Apr ’21 = Thursday, nearly the end this twelfth, eh? || a melody of generosity John & Morgan, Biko, Oh Yeah – and finally I hear g.s. Gabriel spins ‘Fuck the Industry’ by Solange (also of note – no limits, an army from the trunk of your car…)//
Do the work. clear. direct. an oh so simple function command, yes?
//05.03.21 @ ~11a – here we are making up stories from a few days back – the 29th was a Thursday, so I have that going for me.

These spring days are feeling really good – is it the change to opening? is the survival thru the bad times? is it new gutters mitigating some of the mosquito swarms? generally nice weather? all of the above? I’m glad I’m out enjoying – guess that’s the important thing.
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