getting easier, getting brighter

//8:07a + 24Feb21 = Wednesday morning, dappled sunny clouds drift by, a start to a day I can support || ‘Keep Ya Head Up’ from 2Pac on Gabriel’s Early show, on keXp – o-o-h child, things are going to get easier, things will get brighter … it’s hard doing it on your own – you can make it, I’m sure. wow – and I turned away from true lyrical masters based on … bigotry? fear-mongering? poor communal standards and lax curiosity drive. Oh – wait – I can blame MTv!!!//
Is the combination of repetition honing a skill set PLUS getting ‘wise’ enough to stop caring a whole lot the magical path to easier/brighter life? Perhaps.

Moderate success in my first flower time-lapse – yay! go me!
kiddo out on balance bike was actually getting on with it – so, cool! he’s just growing, we saw HNut on the road with ‘rents – she’s toddling right along – wow! a lovely spring day where we were all out shouting at our neighbors, but in the good way ya know. ah the pandemic times are … something.

I think I’m realizing one of the ‘issues’ with this effort to post, publish, push ‘content’ on the regular is that timing goes all to hell for so many reasons. I used to write into the night, finding the “2AM Wow!” effect occasionally and I liked that. Now it’s more of the ‘9:30 uhg!’ effect, and so it goes.
No great thoughtful paragraphs dealing with whatever makes me smile – it’s all throwaway ‘here’s some tunes I listen to’ and ‘look – I’ve taken a photo or three in the past!’ – but I can find the ‘better path’ every now and again. Say, reflecting on a spectacular visit with my Blood, her town in the midst of upheaval as much/and more so than durhamtown. I got on a plane, drove around with her and g.m. Bob, walked, shopped, mealed (think we did the breakfast burrito place that visit – yum!) and generally ‘joyed’ – it was a very nice visit. I thought of it both through my picture swimming (such a vast pool!) and also with the joy I felt just being in the same time and place with the locals tonight – didn’t get into a chat, was watching kiddo roll his balance bike; did say hi, did smile at the wee one who’s not so wee anymore, was glad all the voices were happy, the weather was pleasent, and for half and hour things were about 87% normal again. We should all hang out, go have fun somewhere … and I’d love to do that as soon as we all can with a visit to the town with the coolest little radio station in the shadow of the Space-needle west of the Mississippi!
So I look forward to returning to the vantage point to take in the newest rendition of life in the Pac NorthWest.
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
??? yes yes please… it will happen, & I really, really can’t wait. ♥️♥️♥️
Ummmm…. flower time lapse?!!! Omg I love this – thank you❣️❣️