’25 or 6 to 4′ was prob written on a day like today, even in March
//11:15p + 14Mar21 = Sunday eve || gentle hum of a fan, the day giving us warmth, joy & happiness on it’s way to a chilly night//
Hi there. Time change is an odd way to torment ourselves – and yet we keep marching to the wonky drummer. we had some adventures with the kiddo over the years – think we broke his overnight sleeping back in ’19; it’s all better but now, now he can ask questions. I’m terrified. I mean – how do YOU explain daylight savings?
so we continue, chipping away. we’ve been chipping away steadily for a year now – it seems almost as if we’re getting good at it, and thus – let’s change how the game is played. Sadly I wish we had fixed a few of the games/rules we followed in the before times – truly was an epic opportunity for us all.
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
Nice coincidence that your daylight savings vid has such smoke-like cloud action – homage to Ma?!
And is it true your last pre-pandemic jaunt was to Seattle? Sigh… can’t wait for our next gather, I MISS you
Hello in the comments of a strange little blog in the ‘oddities’ section of the interweb! :- )
Yeah, was trying to find the string to ‘scott travels’ – Boo said the last time she flew was July ’18!! (hey – thanks for that!) we did decide the last time we ‘traveled’ was to Marji’s wedding, Maryland, Nov (?) of ’19 so we do have that. Alas, in a few years I hope these moments of ‘when was the last time…’ will be but a memory we’re hard pressed to nail down to ‘Spring of 2021’. Also, hi!