My head is full of magic … I’m alive, so alive, oddly in March

//10:29a + 19 Mar ’21 = Friday morn || Love & Rockets “So Alive” on g.s. John’s The Morning Show on keXp celebrating his day of beginning//
I talk the talk, but the walking – that’s the concern. However topics to revisit and continue to turn over in my mind – making good choices vs. the right choice; that 2 hours after your dinner your happiness will not be impacted by choosing Surf and Turf, instead of the Turf and Surf. Think g.d. Peter has a point. It’s just blending that rationale into the matrix – all under the topic of how to build resiliency into a character development; vs. having a rigid personality. My own experience – add experiences! ’cause isn’t that how we make hard and fast decisions? Huh…

I’m oft bemused by what sticks around, and how we then make those things important. Does that make sense? The stool above – it ties me to a point in time, and has become a fixture – I guess that’s it, right? It is fixed in my life – be it here, hollywood, wilshire, altadena? maybe. and how it’s used – the kid having a ball with it while he nibbles? then hides? couldn’t have foretold but I am quite content and happy with it!
/2:11p – so, of note – brrrrr – crisp and chilly out, though the tire has more air in it. Also – of note – Bauhaus apparently covered Bowie’s ‘Ziggy Stardust’ in ’82. Did not know that.
Also why is it that news seems to be the form of antagonizing that’s acceptable? shit politicians do things politicians do – but my outrage is stoked by the well written/edited words I read. Is it the fire-hose of info will never be able to be parsed? do we all need our our S&W center? wait – is there money in that? hmmm…
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