What have you found in a 2nd hand store, oddly in April

here’s a good video from folk about the globe – Peter’s ‘Biko‘
//11:51a + 7 Apr 2021 = Wednesday morn || ‘This Must Be The Place’ covered by Car Seat Headrest on keXp, g.s. John spins a theme//
the chat and chit with the sis – a true touchstone, guide-stone in my days. I hope you have one as well. She was not surprised at all that I though John looks a bit like Bob. Also we agree the 70s were an amazing time.

I had a bit of a moment late on Monday. Music reached into my soul and gave me pause and ‘feels’, as the kids like to say. boiled down I guess it’s this – how to ‘get’ a better version of anyone? Kiddo will grow, and I dearly hope he’s one of the good ones; seems to me we have plenty of horrible ones already. But how will I – in my self-centered realm – ensure that outcome? Guess I’ve made it to Existential town, population 3 (me, myself, & I).
The feels were generated by a new rendition of a song that was created to address a horrible injustice – 30+ years ago. An injustice that still happens. So am I trying to find the best way to tilt at windmills? Have I put a veil over my intellect such that the vulgar nature of humanity doesn’t shock me on the hour, every hour? Irony, I suspect, would be the greatness of the artists who crafted a work that gets me to think and feel in part through hope – hope that whomever can ascend to their level. To make words and tunes have impact, leave a mark on, to matter to another soul.
As I’ve heard, it’s an enigma, wrapped in a burrito, deep-fried for a State Fair delicacy, paid for in crypto-currency, delivered by drone, into the waiting and needful hands of someone you love.
No – wait. that’s not how that goes. Huh.
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