On Mondays, chaos, re-acquiring systemic progress, even in April

//11:11a + 26 April 2021 = Monday. Oh yes it’s a monday || the happy snores of a happy puppy//
Ever just enjoy having the system work? I mean, just work – touch the button, smile at the camera, jump right back into what you were doing? Me too. Ever just hate the entirety of the universe when – for no reason you can tell – the system is unhappy with you, the world, the way the light casts shadows upon the weary and tired, the unsung and unjust? Yup – hello monday!
/10:06p – from good soul John’s earlier spin – ‘Wild Turkey’ from Amythyst Kiah. whoa…

/01:16p – things are moving along – but are we just in the process of ripping ourselves apart? Or more like a metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly?
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