On the lounge all day, even in July

pretty sure this in on the bird feeder, but it’s nicely abstracted, yes? c. Jan ’17, hobbit house

//1:57p + 2 Jul 21 = Friday afternoon || g.s. Cheryl taking me from Wet Leg’s summer anthem to La Luz’s catchy goove. yay!//

(that’s Chaise Longue and In the Country, respectively)

How the hell are ya? July – whoa!!!!!! Also cool. Also wow. Getting there, aren’t we? Just need to see how far away we can get from ‘old’ normal for ‘new’ normal, eh?

|Sun 04 Jul 2021 @11:39| – so, how about instead of the Book of Fazes I attempt to ‘post’ here? what would that look like?

My disclosure affects my colleagues and trainees too. By being open about my disability, I show students and residents that disability is more than just pathology, and that we can and should challenge our ableist system. That we can focus less on “fixing” disabled people and instead provide individualized, compassionate care./

Diana Cejas, MD, MPH

the above came via a friend and I have to say it is one of those ‘enlightening AND infuriating’ bits of knowledge. at the end of it – with the above pondering I have to ask – how much is enough for you to be a doctor? 1 million a year, tax free? 5 million a year for the rest of your life? ’cause here in the States of Dysfunction, having health care as a profit oriented enterprise doesn’t work. Frankly it’s inhumane – but similar to Heather Cox’s comments on how we went from ‘an inalienable right -that all men are created equal’ to 1865’s the proposition that we were endowed with rights – along the way of the circle to once more – the rich are determining who’s deserving of what we all actually – truly – have.

Where do we meet to have this conversation?

Would the Half-gallon / 2 litre club be the place for all to accept of fates? Perhaps the kids will save us all.

Respice ad diem hanc“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”