in the Seasonal fight Spring will win, even in March

|Fri 18 Mar 2022 @12:56|
[‘Cry Little Sister’ from The Lost Boys, by Gerard McMann – because 1987 was a year we lived thru}
In today’s attempt to write before the day, Sunday’s wandering thru Scott’s cerebellum allows for this curiosity – WordPress dude ( Matt Mullenweg) is pretty cool. Oh, and also they run Pocket Cast, my go to podcast player! He brings up this – It reminds me of a quote by, I think, Picasso: “When art critics get together, they talk about the philosophy of art and what this or that movement means — but when artists get together, they talk about where to buy cheap turpentine and what brushes they’re using.” after bringing up this – “You mentioned the tragedy of the commons. That’s a powerful phrase. What do you mean by that, specifically as it relates to open-source software? Tragedy of the commons is from economics actually. It’s a story. There’s a common field that belongs to this town, but it doesn’t belong to any one person.”
I’ve come late to the understanding of the Golden rule. It frustrates me – as easily as it could be to live in a good and just world, apparently it is not in the nature of those who take power – unsurprisingly. So the thoughts turn to – how to effect changes. I doubt I’d have any revolutionary ideas.
Kiddo and I took on the challenge of a Lego Technic model – Grave Digger, thus completing his ‘matchbox’ and bigger collection. Certainly was a reminder that … uh, he’s totally awesome!!! And there’s a biz model for Duplo Technic if I’m honest. At least it’s not a Captain Hamster monster maze, right?

in the production of a note of life I’m once again – as always – enjoying perusing the images from the past. Hope you do too.
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