Go Go Go, on a Monday, oddly in March
|Sun 20 Mar 2022 @10:21|
something something do the same thing, hope for different results, get the same, rinse & repeat – crazy? maybe…
Talk about a concrete example – undeniable – of how the best laid … well, the best ideas that aren’t placed into a plan can go, not really awry but just dissapate. ‘Wow – that would be cool!!!’ into ‘ugh. huh. yeah – that would have been cool … so so tired’ – so maybe I’ll lean into the current adventure with an eye towards ‘it was recent – what do you recall, what do we change and then compare?’ – wish me luck.
Fascinating Post story reporting on the previous time we attempted to hold back the Daylight (savings time) – so close to me almost recalling the era, but certainly not the actions – yay the ignorance of youth. in Whitesboro. in the 70s. I mean, you know there were concerns when you get a politician making this statement for the record – ““The time to admit a mistake is when you’ve made one,” Rep. William Ketchum (R-Calif.), a co-author of the bill, was quoted as saying in the Times.”
Hank Green, good soul that he is, spoke of the benefits/controversy of how, in this timeline, in these chaotic days, a 100% support for something like Daylight Savings Time mucking can feel offensive; but since we can’t get universal health care from those who can give it to us guess we’ll take what we can get, eh?
Well – I feel good that I have found this ‘here’s some words’ exercise isn’t too much; I did so love my timelapse of clouds for 2020/21, but it did take lots and lots of time. How to make words and cool videos a profession, eh?
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