Feeling like it’s me against the stupid world, oddly in January

|| 3 : 03 Jan 2022 @10:07 ||
actually it’s me and good people stunned by the apathetic arrogance of the oligarchy – apparently we’re not yet hungry enough, eh?
I write to Phil to tell him he’s a shit human. What exactly will that accomplish? What can I possibly do more? What is it that I actually want? Is what I want (justice) actually attainable?
How goes YOUR existential crisis in the new year?
Oh – well, just posted a snow pic on the Book – but where else would I post it?
Here’s a pretty thing – delicate glass flowers!

ok – prob need to figure out a fun signature for 2022 – ‘oh dear god make it stop, make it stop!!!!’ seems like it doesn’t show the hope I hold. Guess the old will work, eh?
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