Easily Distracted, even in May

|Mon 30 May 2022 @06:33|
[radio central new zealand spins up some Tina – ‘proud mary’; excellent music, important music, iconic music – the phrasing I used to use with jumbo-burrito sized Rumbly as I rocked him, played music. happy my ideas are sometimes sound]
Memorial Day – Monday in America. What a fucking week.

I’ve been grappling with my typical response to the moment is to dive to the past. Thus I type ‘Memorial Day’ and I think of the two fellows I’ve memorialized in my past days with POW bracelets. All the weight and storytelling behind those choices.
But today – right now – as the kiddo is at the edge of waking up, just like Boo and Hali – Richard D. Bartley and Benny L. Dexter – they’re names from the past I hung importance upon in order to find some sort of importance in the life and times of Scott. Giving that thought a moment I recall all of the horrible ice-breaking moments of those bracelets – ‘what’s that?’ – ‘Oh, it’s a guy who never came home from Korea, Vietnam’
I didn’t have friends/acquaintances who were chewed up in the Global War On Terror that we … uh, won?
I wrote of the important differentiation between Memorial Day and Veterans Day – not that the BBQs and mattress sales cared.
So here I am – today – as free as a soul can be, maybe. Here in this country my freedom was paid for in the blood and lives of so many, too many. Frankly I’m not worthy of such sacrifice, our government makes sure our country fails to live up to the ideals people fought and died for.

What do I share, tell, teach Rumbly about Memorial Day when he’s a few years older?
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