Rising into the future, even in June

|Fri 10 Jun 2022 @14:12|
[did I hear Alice sing about school being out for summer, perhaps forever? well, good soul John spun it up for his Drive Morning so – yeah!]
and like that we trip over the threshold into ‘kindergartener’ – and I’m not scared, not scared at all. Really. that the wonderful Mrs. Bailey and Ms. V. helped Rumbly get to where he is is just amazing; I do suspect that their superpowers are just that – making amazing big kids out of not quite big kids. So – woot!!
I’m paying attention to chaos outside my hula hoop, and though I understand and respect that I cannot make any of it change it’s still quite annoying – just browsed the public/official ‘town square’ posts of Thom, a nefarious/illustrious Senator and just wow – nothing about the horrors at Uvalde. Utterly unsurprising, but still – at least Richard doesn’t even play the game of ‘no, really, I’m of the people, for the people’ – so, as noted above – the shit outside the hula hoop is vast.
Then again my kiddo said ‘easy peasy mac and cheesy’ while watching a YouTube video of two girls playing a minecraft’esqe cars on a track with spikes of doom game – so I have hope.
There are notes in official paperwork that Rumbly is “a delight to work with” and that makes me smile a slight but proud smile. We are really really lucky. So if I ask ‘anyone got a path in which the Hobbit House family can move to the Netherlands easily?’ who knows, perhaps I’ll get even more lucky.

So we wind down with a relaxed afternoon in the front room on the big bed and ponder the days ahead – what adventures will happen next? thinking about a ‘zine for the boy called ‘Rumbly Rising’ – I blame Van Neistat for the idea…
[radio central new zealand spun up Matchbox 20’s ‘how far we’ve come’ as I wrapped up some imagery for this post – prob need to sit and listen to that track.]
[… and after adding the clip of Rumbly cheerfulness RC.nz spins Linkin Park’s ‘Numb’ … a point in time, eh?]
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