of days where faint echoes return, solidified, oddly in June


|Sun 19 Jun 2022 @23:21|

‘you’re going to be a FATHER!!!!!!’ a friendly voice charred into my mind, my soul, my heart once upon a time.

and now ms. kimmy’s keen observation has become reality – a handmade card, delivered to me as I was sleeping in a bit this morning – snuck up he did, he’s stealthy like a bear!! A simple moment of love that brought her joy, her excitement into sharp focus. My son made a Fathers Day card for me – for me.

absolutely perfect gift, c. Jun ’22, hobbit house

pretty cool.

definitely thumbs up, c. Jun ’22, hobbit house

As Rumbly turned in tonight, post bathing warm and sleepy, he pulled me in close (his patented ‘chug’ – choke/hug) and as we snuggled I shared with him my memory of being on my dad’s chest as he relaxed in his Laz-y-boy recliner, me listening to his heart beat, his breathing, and feeling his scratchy stubble – a moment very similar to what we were enjoying right then. Rumbly relaxed and was out like a light but I held him for a few extra minutes – letting the joy of this truth soak into my heart, brighten my soul.

getting enough rest is key to a good life. c. ’70, downstate a smidge

Hey dad – think I’m understanding my appreciation of the color yellow; minor note – did you let me rest there while it rained on us? huh.

Love ya pops, miss ya.

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