of days where faint echoes return, solidified, oddly in June

|Sun 19 Jun 2022 @23:21|
‘you’re going to be a FATHER!!!!!!’ a friendly voice charred into my mind, my soul, my heart once upon a time.
and now ms. kimmy’s keen observation has become reality – a handmade card, delivered to me as I was sleeping in a bit this morning – snuck up he did, he’s stealthy like a bear!! A simple moment of love that brought her joy, her excitement into sharp focus. My son made a Fathers Day card for me – for me.

pretty cool.

As Rumbly turned in tonight, post bathing warm and sleepy, he pulled me in close (his patented ‘chug’ – choke/hug) and as we snuggled I shared with him my memory of being on my dad’s chest as he relaxed in his Laz-y-boy recliner, me listening to his heart beat, his breathing, and feeling his scratchy stubble – a moment very similar to what we were enjoying right then. Rumbly relaxed and was out like a light but I held him for a few extra minutes – letting the joy of this truth soak into my heart, brighten my soul.

Hey dad – think I’m understanding my appreciation of the color yellow; minor note – did you let me rest there while it rained on us? huh.
Love ya pops, miss ya.
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