Relentless Pursuit of Reputable Folk, even in July

|Wed 06 Jul 2022 @07:53|
[‘get back’ by the Beatles, from Radio Central, New Zealand 96.0 Wakatipu – thanks Esmée!]
I have this feel that I need to craft a ‘fabulous’ post – the best damn post you’ve ever read.
I also feel that if I can grab the details, share my opinion, two cents, point of view, my sincere hope you think this is funny too! – from my blog here, instead of feeding the social illness network machine – well, that’s … better?
of note – perhaps we should take a moment and listen to the people who know better than we do, eh?
Fine article over at The Verge – “The preference for abortion funds, Jade says, is that people needing a place to stay after their abortion go through reputable organizations that know what they’re doing.” from
““A lot of this sort of outpouring of support is about people wanting to offer the things that they want to offer and not necessarily thinking about the needs and interests of the clients,” Falcon says. “We need to be talking about what people need, not what people want to give.”” – erm, yeah. funny thing this human condition – shall we sit and ponder how it has to be about us even when we want it to be about someone/thing else? Probably should.
We need to be talking about what people need, not what people want to give.
By Mia Sato @The Verge Jul 2022
|Wed 06 Jul 2022 @08:12| – ‘wet sand’ by the Red Hot Chili Peppers – fun video over at Prof of Rock on ‘under the bridge’ –
This is a Heading – now you know, Wallace.
Guess the summer of ’22 is also about me learning lots about the music I’ve loved, the artists I’ve never looked into, and of how truly great the Fab Four were. Hope your summertime is also filled with lots and more.
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