So, I wanted to email…
ttocslandApril 21st, 2005Current Mood:pissed offCurrent Music:Freak Out; from Freak talks about sex soundy trackthe honorable senator sam blackburn (retard –...
ttocslandApril 21st, 2005Current Mood:pissed offCurrent Music:Freak Out; from Freak talks about sex soundy trackthe honorable senator sam blackburn (retard –...
ttocslandApril 17th, 2005Current Mood:goodYou look very nice in your uniform. How old are you – about 19?{smack} hee hee hee:+s+:
ttocslandApril 15th, 2005Current Mood:shornCurrent Music:Bob Dylan & The Band – Forever Young (via The Last Waltz)Thought I’d try to type...
ttocslandApril 14th, 2005Current Mood: relievedCurrent Music:fine living channel: smart travelbut when I’m good, I can be great.Boo had thought her...
ttocslandApril 13th, 2005So, as I expressed to my most wonderful earlier, I feel as if I’ve finally walked up to...
ttocslandApril 7th, 2005…but not really that funny. Especially combined with my last post, eh? BestBuy – We have issues… :+s+:
ttocslandApril 6th, 2005Current Mood:dumbfoundedCurrent Music:damn birds still chirping away…“I’m not sure – are magazines even made out of trees?” –...
ttocslandApril 5th, 2005Current Mood:curiousCurrent Music:song birds……if this great state of ours happens to go slipping into the ocean tonight –...
ttocslandApril 4th, 2005Current Mood:happyCurrent Music:Tangerine Speedo” by CaviarMy love made me sure that she kinda dug me.I doubt I’ve said...
ttocslandMarch 8th, 2005Current Mood:satisfied um, I would have selected this one as the winner in the Oscar race for best...