quiet streets and gentle worries, even in March

How are you friends? Feeling … well, I suspect feels, eh? Me too.
So I make words – and some pics. Feels like it’s something I can accomplish in a manner that 10 years from now will hold up to ‘huh, guess I had some time to kill, eh?’
But then the dread seeps up and the confusion – where’s the chaotic panic? It’s like slo-mo chaos – should I stay up all night or … sleep? That seems like an odd choice at the end of the world as we know it times. Oh – hey – new season of Altered Carbon on Netflix – cool! (thus – up all night, yet … not really solving the issues at hand. Thanks Big Entertainment!)

Ok – well, things have changed a bit, eh? I want to do the right / best thing, but that matrix is sooooo much bigger now that I’m paralyzed. So at work, chipping away because – that’s a thing to do? a break so I can focus when I get home – that’s what I’ll think this is.
Good friends have loved on us, I hope we can reciprocate – may you and yours find joy, stay safe & sane, and please – wash your face. stop touching your hands!
//10:29a+18Mar2020=Wed, day 3 of the new times || Sharon Van Etton on keXp – thanks John//