July 17th, again

Hi. wow – 17th?! some pretty crappy things happening out in the world – it seems to be pressing in from all sides, with no possible point of control from a mere mortal as I. What to do, what to do. Oh – yeah – throw my kid’s pillow at his face over and over to hear him giggle and laugh and be glee-ful. A balm to soothe the savaged soul.
I enjoy the futzing for the clouds/vids – moving the tripod, keeping an eye on things since overheating is an issue during this, the Dark Summertime of Our Souls. Tried moving the camera under the screen tent we have when the weather showed up – I’d say a decent first try. will have to make sure to double check the top corners for obstructions, but it worked well enough and – tada! – here’s the footage I captured. Do so love the stormy clouds when the roll by.
Everything seems to be boiling – constantly. Schools forced to open, so we make the compromise to be online; great if it works for you, a continuation of hell if it’s been slowly killing you for 4 or 5 months.

Our leaders act with malice and malfeasance – utterly without accountability. the rich get richer, the poor get to sacrifice themselves on the alter of the almighty dollar – it’s depressing enough to lead to dreams of an apocalyptic reckoning. If history teaches us anything it’s that this can not – will not – last. Upheaval will scar us all.
On the lighter side … oh who the fuck am I kidding? I binge watched “Nightflyers” – a GRRRSSSTTTYYYY martin adaptation on the Flix of Net – cool, scary, SyFy originated. Space – it’s a bitch, man.
Ok – I will dig up two pics and call it a night. Hope you and yours are well enough. Be kind, wash your hands, allow your joy to find you. Say, through painting :- )
:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc | “Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”
//11:52+17Jul20=Friday eve || “Passenger – Let Her Go (Cover)” by Kimmy TW, oh also “You’re the One That I Want” – cool arrangement//