Waffle? Going Undercover! (wisdom of youth, truth from the kiddo)

Waffle? Going Undercover! (wisdom of youth, truth from the kiddo)

under which we will plot to survive, grow, enjoy

I write when I become focused on the screen/keyboard. I had been cruising in July/Aug of a routine of sorts, but tripped somewhere along the line. But… it still is a good thing to have happen as often as it can, yes?

but how do I indicate that this ‘post’ started 5 days ago, before the roof became new? I throw down dividers (the +++ tag, though I’ve seen ### but am pretty sure historically that indicated the end to a new journalists submission, though I’ve been wrong before) and then stumble over ‘do I read this from newest to oldest? is that ‘right’??’ – and then I ponder if it matters at all – then I just grind away / crush thru this obstacle in order to share with you the OTHER obstacles that have prevented me from giving you – dear dear reader (hey blood!) – the rich test strings you so righteously deserve!! My apologies – not only for that and this, but all of that and all of this – mea culpa.

erm … what did I just write? So odd that at one point in time I thought of myself as being able to jot down whole thoughts – can I blame the kid? Probably shouldn’t…

sunsets at the ocean – really, it’s a fine thing. Miss them, I do. c. Oct ’13 (?), Oak Island Adjacent

//10:55p+ 15Oct20 = Blursday, Oct 46th as good soul John noted this am on keXp || the echos of good soul Peter in a YouTube clip mixing with a call I made in the time before YouTube to chat up said good soul Peter – all of it is a massive ‘whoa’ in my skull!//

+++ +++ +++

so what to do when the grey of the world wraps your locale in energy sappying fall ‘blah’ time? Well, play music you have on your computer! Obviously!

and the time is now, for the changes and falling. c. Oct ’20, hobbit house

fall is here – and sometimes soooo quickly – the leafs out front – though those little suckers aren’t great – alas a sign that time is moving along. Yay time!!

:: s ::
Respice ad diem hanc“Don’t Forget to Be Awesome”

//12:06p+10Oct20 = Sat morn || “I’m a Raven (Shake Children) [Live]” by Hiss Golden Messenger, off the “School Daze: A fundraiser for Durham Public Schools students” album, cause DURM has good folk who live and love here//

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