whose return are you awaiting/dreading?

//08:42a + 14 Feb 2021 = Sunday, Valentines day || a slow thrumming ache in the front top quarter-hemisphere today, but at least I’m up and actually here!!//
so a video a day isn’t tough. not really even hard. but – a video of clouds every day – when each day doesn’t have clouds? a bit more of a challenge. Like a ‘golden hour’ show this past week – sheesh I tell ya! but we soldier on – kinda like when a guilty man gets to walk – it’s not good for anyone. tip o’ the hat to Dick though – obvs he has nothing to lose but it was nice to see him step up – as boo said, perhaps my calls helped.
Did I mention how I had to guess/uninstall/reboot/install/reboot/repeat to get my Lightroom back to operating condition? woot for upgrades that are less upgrades and more prayer sessions. weeee….

/10:23a – dora speaks fluent spang-lish, and I’m alright with that. I wonder/worry about the kiddo’s education/learning – but also feel that we’ve got this. so much to offer there’s bound to be a path that excites his interest and curiosity – we just need to practice listening to him. It’s like a tree growing in a town … well. no. nothing like that at all. but thought a comment about a tree would connect the photo above to this discourse. trees. education. learning. maybe the main trunk is the point of it all -math is the knowledge of numbers, and this branch is about check books, and this branch is about statistical modeling, and this branch is how to cheat on your taxes – stuff like that? Sure – who has the right to say what’s right or not? this is ‘merica!!!
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