do you believe in miracles? he was speechless! oddly in April

a good thing and nice skies

//3:37p + 17 Apr 21 = Saturday || the slow distant whine of some sort of machine; wood chipper, stump grinder, my concept of time in a blender//

and so it came to pass. kiddo made it. Boo’s kind people helped make it super fun, really special. We sit around asking why and how come we have a cute kiddo; because we are so very lucky, and that luck has brought goodness into our lives/world.

kiddo breaking in his new red wagon – all of us were happy. c. Apr `21

from his fun on Friday with his pod-folk, a cool shirt and cool rainbow sparkle wooden truck, thru a morning where he was utterly astonished and frankly I had feels the likes Ive never enjoyed – woot us!!!

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