‘the apples are in between you’, even in April
//12:25pm + 18 Apr ’21 = Sunday afternoon || slow rollin’ thru Rumbly’s love of apples!//
these will be the days that make us shake our heads and think “whoa… what a time – just, you know – go to the potty. how hard can it be?”
//11:41a Mon 19th – why do I feel compelled to ‘keep’ the work that I do?
I put a bit of work into preparing the single flower above, but I kinda just flailed to get the ‘drive by’ shot into this post – so that I have an image (that’s important to me to include something of objective value in each post, vs. say my brilliant insight into the world at large, etc.) – but it’s not a great shot. what was I thinking? (was I interrupted by the million and one-th thing that day?) why am I reluctant to select and hit ‘delete’? hell – the reason I’ve been trying to get these posts out/up is to have the ‘perfection’ goal/dream lowered in importance. sigh.
could it be my inner artist? is this how others who make art feel when the just phone it in?
and thus proves … artistic ego? hmmm…
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