Noodling on magical seasons, oddly in January

|Fri 07 Jan 2022 @06:47|
facing the starkness and not wanting to accept it – thankfully there’s music, right?
Funny how the breadcrumbs, the twisting thread leads us to … knowledge. Not exactly wisdom, but movement?
Is my hesitation to do the research and analyze answers to our utterly messed up ‘normal’ due to my acceptance? my apathy? my survival instinct? option paralysis? I mean, truly a) the root of the problem is obviou$, and b) the available options are limited, and the allowed options are mere illusion. So what now?
How the fuck are you? 2022 treating ya well? whooo-hooo made it thru week 1 – 51 weeks to go! Cue that Goaty Goats tune, the one about fuck this year…
sigh – well I do hope you and yours are well. the highs are sooooo incredibly high.
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