Incredible amounts of change, even in April
And just like that Rumbly is a ‘big kid’ – or at least ‘kid’ – there’s a joy to his voice/statements that make my heart warm. I know soon enough the amazement of this point in time will wane, different tones and routines will take over. But today, him and his grandparents, Boo too – playing games at the dining room table – it’s a good feeling day. Even if it might snow.
Colossal showed me this interpretation of family photos – I like what it says, that perhaps a texture based edit after the fact will add to the ‘art’ of the family. Since a lot of my historic family pics are from the ‘special occasion’ category – events with gifts – and not exactly ‘day to day’ coverage I think this could work to make the special event pics even MORE special. What do you think?
There was a comment the other day – I think at a new auto stories site (or the old one – can’t rightly recall) in which an opinion on TED was not … pleasing. ‘intellectually duping’ or some such – by someone who claims to be a lawyer. I wanted to rock my ‘how dare you’ tone, but then paused (yay pausing!) and tried to see their side – a negative take on TED talks. Since they are a touchstone of my arrival in the Tar Heel state I’m quite fond of them; they have always made me feel like I’ve learned something cool. Guess either I talked myself out of a discourse with someone who’s point of view seems nonsensical to me – to which ‘yay, go me’ – or I didn’t have any more sturdy places to speak from other than ‘no -YOU suck, TED talks are awesome!!’
It did make me think that I don’t visit often anymore – YouTube lots, just not that corner. Not enough brain cycles available? hmmm…
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