Oddly in January – happy RE-new year :- )
|Mon 01 Jan 2024 @13:11| “Medicine” from Momma, off Household Name, 2022 polyvinyl, on the Midday Show with Kennady Quille.|
seems we all made it thru – woot!
I got to enjoy good peeps, and good times, and it seemed like it had been quite a while for all of us there since it was as easy as it used to be. here’s to getting back to a bit of easy, yes?
“Precious Human Birth” – from “Awakenings” by Mark Neppo – gives me this nugget to watch and wonder: :”It is really a beautiful view of life…”, continuing to the Buddhist precept that to be here now, as individual spirits with consciousness and all that goes with that – listening to music on KEXP, typing away in the corner of my house, onto a corner of the world wide web – whoa. definitely whoa.
It will become all to easy to be swayed from that precious nugget of truth, won’t it? alas. So we try, we start (only to “begin again…” as many times as is needed – say, yearly?) to give our hope and heart a place to be seen, to be noticed, to grow and to impact the world we live in. From watching Rumbly chip away at it – an amazing sense of ‘YES – THIS TOY!!!’ for a set of ASMR expnado-tubes that truly are ‘THE TOY’ – thru his impressions upon good soul Ma Humphreys with his very impressive Lego building skills (he will modestly note that ‘I am a Lego master’, then prove it) – something she hadn’t seen enough of, since gifts are recieved with love, then taken home and played and loved. Something to think about in the pursuit of graciousness and thank you card manners, eh?
So yes, here I type and think and feel and race along the exciting new hope fille dpahts of an impending Dragon arrival kinda year. How you doing?