comes in all sorts of packages my wife’s laugh as she speaks with SMO re: “when else can you try...
comes in all sorts of packages my wife’s laugh as she speaks with SMO re: “when else can you try...
“My pouch” says Rumbly, as I sit here pondering what to write. So I’m off to the kitchen, change the...
|| 92 : 01 Apr 2020 @16:52 || Life in the times of home work. How about I take a...
//18Dec2019+1:53p= Wed afternoon || podcasts of many variety // Hello once more. Just spent a few days a) changing the...
So I noodled a bit and got the appropriate ‘green lock’ icon. It’s like I understand that https:// means. Know...
the pitter patter of little feet … smacking the wall. Oh Rumbly, nothing under the sun is new, is it?...
I listen exclusively to’s streaming radio, John Richard’s uniquely titled “John in the Morning Show” – it’s what I...
such amazing things these children – must be careful to let them grow to unimaginable awesomeness! ||>- and then even...
||>- a draft I’ve had in waiting since the end of June. I have no idea what nebulousness I was...
Been thinking, as I do, between the podcasts I pull down and play and the amazing time-sink that pressing ‘play’...