A very decent day…
ttocslandMay 26th, 2005Current Mood:awakeFrom the IFC – Hank says “Do not cave into this kind of battering ram of advertising,...
ttocslandMay 26th, 2005Current Mood:awakeFrom the IFC – Hank says “Do not cave into this kind of battering ram of advertising,...
ttocslandMay 25th, 2005Current Mood:nostalgicA day up in the hills helps. check out the pics at http://perfent.com/images/albums.php Some cool motocop pics...
ttocslandMay 23rd, 2005Current Mood: grumpyCurrent Music:the sound of silence being excutedThat someone actually ANSWERED the phone at LA Noise Enforcement...
ttocslandMay 23rd, 2005Current Mood:goodCurrent Music:fans spinning the cool night airwow – Mambo. Who knew it could be sooooooo easy? wow.tikiwiki...
ttocslandMay 15th, 2005Current Mood:calmCurrent Music:color commentary for GT race at montereyand graduated friends. trying to keep mom happy with technology.Canela...
ttocslandMay 8th, 2005Current Mood:tiredCurrent Music:chirping birds outside the windowstunned, I am, at how quickly a week has passed. But 7...
ttocslandMay 6th, 2005Current Music:”Just Another Victim” by Helmet / House of PainAs I winged across the country on Wednesday… 7:02:46...
ttocslandMay 5th, 2005Current Mood: goodCurrent Music:sounds of lexington aveSay, being the world weary traveler who is probably Syracuse Int’l ‘one...
ttocslandMay 4th, 2005Current Mood: goodCurrent Music:something lite and classical in terminal B of Pittsburgh IntIt’s a funny thing, travel. You...
ttocslandMay 3rd, 2005Current Mood:pleasedhttp://perfent.com/images/albums.php Promise to be nice with any comments – it’s my first attempt at using Gallery for...