the rain comes down
As cars drive along the wet asphalt, the noise of tires … shhhhhhhssssssssA morning grey to start with, cool and...
As cars drive along the wet asphalt, the noise of tires … shhhhhhhssssssssA morning grey to start with, cool and...
people – like my sister Blood!places – like Sol Duc Hot Springs!music – like Atreyu covering Faith No More’s Epic...
14FridaySEP 2012 Oh lovely internet – do you HAVE TO spam because you can? Sigh. Well, at least Mr. WordPress...
7:21 am, Wednesday morning the 12th of September, 2012as I wash some dishes as the coffee brews, 88.1 – the local college...
{9:07pm + 11Sep2012 = Tuesday eve} || {The Long Road – Eddie Vedder + – A:ATTH}odd as that may be. But, that’s...
Way back, in the early 80s, I stumbled upon Neil Young.Not, as some would guess, via his early days with...
I spy with my own little eyes …er, not a whole lot os sun right now. it IS 9 am,...
First an apology. No – first let me express my sincerest appreciation for the wonderful people in my life. My...
07TuesdayAUG 2012 Gizmodo. It’s a name I trust in the world of blog-based journalism focused on technology. Gawker is the...
we’re exploring mo’ fo’s!! Mars – the planet next door.40 odd ‘scientists’ sit at JPL, televised in the rank and file...